LNP Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, said an LNP Government would provide funding of $75,000 to the Moggill Creek Catchment Group to undertake local environment and conservation work.
“The funds will allow the Moggill Creek Catchment Group to carry out restoration works on their site and also upgrade their plant nursery,” said Dr Rowan.
The site at Gold Creek Road in Brookfield is maintained by a volunteer community action group, which aims to conserve and improve the natural environment of the Moggill Creek Catchment Zone. It covers an area of 57 square kilometres.
“Our local area, despite its close proximity to Brisbane, is home to a diverse range of native fauna including koalas, echidnas, platypus, possums, gliders, bandicoots as well as birds and butterflies, frogs and fish, lizards, snakes and goannas,” said Dr Rowan.
The landscapes have been degraded over many years through early logging, development for farming, mining, rural lifestyle and more recently urban development; natural disaster events also have caused severe degradation through storms, droughts, floods and fire.
The only way restoration works to the catchment area will occur is if you vote for your local LNP Candidate, Dr Christian Rowan.
The LNP is committed to taking action to protect the environment and build a clean and green Queensland.
A vote for anyone other than the LNP will see a return of a do-nothing Labor Government which has the wrong priorities and has taken the Moggill Electorate for granted.
“Restoration of the landscape is all part of our plan to Build a Better Queensland by building a better Moggill Electorate,” said Dr Rowan.