Today, the State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, said the Queensland Labor Budget for 2015-2016 has, at its core, a fundamentally flawed debt action plan.
” As such there will be more heartache for Queenslanders “, Dr Rowan said.
” Shifting, or transferring, general government debt to our government owned corporations, including our electricity companies, is simply a ” smoke and mirrors ”
exercise, but voters in my electorate of Moggill will not be fooled.”
” Accessing the long service leave and superannuation fund of public servants, is a cheap cash grab by an inexperienced Labor Government with no credible or sustainable plan for our economic future.”
” What we have heard from Labor in their State Budget is rhetoric and hollow announcements which can not be matched by practical long term sustainable action.”
” Car registration has increased by 3.5% from July 1 after a 3 year freeze under the LNP. In Moggill, this means that the cost of putting a 4 cylinder car on the road has
risen by $12, with a 6 cylinder car having risen by $17.”
” The LNP has a real economic plan which will deliver jobs, and achieve economic diversity and growth in Queensland.”
” I will always be committed to lower taxes, smaller government and the principles of fairness, accountability, transparency, productivity and efficiency for voters in my electorate of Moggill. “, Dr Rowan said.