Recently, members of the Kenmore Community Justices, and representatives from the Justices of the Peace Branch, came together and joined a special celebration, hosted by Dr Christian Rowan MP, State Member for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Communities, Disability Services and Seniors, to recognise and congratulate retiring Justice of the Peace, John May.
A Kenmore resident since 1967, Mr May was first appointed as a Justice of the Peace in 1971, following a nomination by his then-employer, the Commercial Bank of Australia.
During the celebration, Dr Rowan paid tribute to Mr May’s years of service and dedication to the local community.
“John was integral to the establishment of the Kenmore Community Justices when he attended its very first meeting in August 2003. By January 2004, the first Justice of the Peace from the Kenmore Community Justices began serving at the Kenmore Shopping Village.
“Since then, the Kenmore Community Justices has now grown to 23 members, with Justices of the Peace on hand and available to the community five days a week at the Kenmore Library.
“In recognition and celebration of John’s tireless efforts to both support and serve our local community, it is my pleasure to present John with a special community award on behalf of the Moggill Electorate.” Dr Rowan said.
Upon receiving his award, Mr May reflected on his time as a Justice of the Peace in Kenmore.
“My time as a JP has simply been excellent. Over the years I’ve really enjoyed meeting a variety of people, from diverse backgrounds, and the opportunity to be able to help them as a Justice of the Peace.” Mr May said.
While being a Justice of the Peace carries a great deal of responsibility, Mr May said it was important to enjoy the role.
“As a JP, and when helping those who come to see me, I always wanted to make sure I could instil a little bit of humour.” Mr May said.
Dr Rowan also thanked those present who were able to help make Mr May’s celebration possible.
“My sincere thanks again to Mr Brendon Balogh and Mr Damien Mealey from the Justices of the Peace Branch for taking part in today’s celebration, and a particularly big thank you to Jennifer Kubale, Coordinator of the Kenmore Community Justices, who really made today’s event a true celebration.” Dr Rowan said.
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