“I was delighted today to host a roundtable forum on domestic violence led by the Hon. Tracy Davis MP, the Shadow Minister for Communities, Child Safety and
Disability Services” said Dr Christian Rowan, the State Member for Moggill.
“Local organisations represented included coordinators from DV Connect, the Brisbane
Domestic Violence Service, the Western Suburbs Police Liaison Section as
well as other community organisations involved with protecting our residents in
the western suburbs of Brisbane,” Dr Rowan said.
Mrs Davis said that domestic violence is the most common type of community violence with 1 in 6 Australian women and 1 in 19 Australian men experiencing physical or
sexual violence from a current or former partner.
Mrs Davis explained the details of a draft Bill she tabled in Parliament last May to
enable the disclosure of a person’s past background if convicted of domestic violence or sexual offences. “It is based on Clare’s Law which was initially set up in the
United Kingdom to allow members of the public to make enquiries about any
individual they may be in a relationship with, or who is in a relationship with
someone they know, if there is concern that abuse or violence is taking place.”
Mrs Davis said that the three main objectives of her Bill were; to strengthen the ability
of the police and multi-agency partnerships to provide appropriate protection
and support to victims at risk of domestic violence and abuse; reduce
incidences of domestic violence and abuse; and reduce the health and
criminal justice related costs of domestic violence and abuse.
“All members of our communities deserve to live in a safe and stable environment and we all have a responsibility to help end domestic and family violence,” said Dr Rowan. “He urged families, friends and neighbours who suspected someone they knew and cared for was being subjected to violence to contact the authorities to report it. It could well save someone’s life”, he said.