Submissions are now open for the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee, which is conducting an inquiry to examine ongoing reforms to the youth justice system and support for victims of crime.
The terms of reference for the inquiry are:
- A select committee, known as the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee be established to examine:
- ongoing reforms to the youth justice system; and
- support for victims of crime.
- In undertaking the inquiry, the Committee consider:
- the prevention of entry and diversion of youth offenders from the justice system with specific consideration of risk and protective factors that reduce crime;
- effective ways to stop recidivism and protect the community from offending and the opportunity for community-controlled organisations with specific reference to the role of First Nations peoples to provide support solutions and services;
- the efficacy of:
- justice programs including on-country programs, education, health and housing services;
- reducing people carrying weapons;
- evidence-based early intervention and prevention programs;
- reducing the numbers in custody on remand;
- alternatives to detention;
- detention and other consequences of offending;
- the most suitable infrastructure used for custody, detention or residential components necessary to reduce crime; and
- systems and processes to provide immediate and ongoing support for victims of crime.
If you have experienced the impacts of the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis and would like to make a submission to the Inquiry into Youth Justice Reform in Queensland, please visit: