“Today we mark the 10th anniversary of our apology to indigenous Australians, particularly the stolen generation and their families, for past injustices and harms.
“As we reflect on the significance of this apology we should not lose sight of the continued need to do better.
“The 10th Closing the Gap Report, released by the Prime Minister yesterday showed that, as a nation, we are on track to reach three of the seven original Closing the Gap targets.
“Progress has been made in a number of areas – the target to halve child mortality is on track and here in Queensland, we are on track to meet the target of getting more young indigenous kids into early childhood education.
“But yesterday’s report also highlighted the need to work together to do more.
“As the Prime Minister highlighted state-by-state targets are needed to further empower local communities.
“The Prime Minister’s comments echo those from indigenous leader Warren Mundine who identified the need for state and territory leaders to take more of the lead in this space.
“Instead of picking fights with Canberra, the Palaszczuk Labor Government should be identifying what it plans to do to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
“Sadly, the Deputy Premier, the Minister responsible, hasn’t even publicly responded to the release of this important report.
“Since becoming Treasurer she’s publicly picked a number of fights with Canberra but hasn’t released one media statement on indigenous issues.
“We need more focus from our state leaders if we are going to be able to Close the Gap that still exists in the delivery of services and outcomes in indigenous communities throughout Queensland.”