- Campaign launched to prevent Palaszczuk Labor Government rigging the next state election.
- The Premier broke Queenslander’s trust, and now it’s time for us to have a say.
- Sign the petition and tell Premier Palaszczuk ‘My Voice Matters’ at: www.myvoicematters.org.au
A campaign to prevent the Palaszczuk Government from rigging the next state election has been launched, after a recent poll revealed the vast majority of Queenslanders oppose Labor’s decision to reintroduce compulsory preferential voting.
State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, said today that the LNP opposition has launched a petition to stop the sneaky changes to Queensland’s voting system and give Queenslanders’ their choice back at the ballot box.
Dr Rowan said for more than 20 years, Queenslanders had the right to choose how they voted, but now the Palaszczuk Labor Government had stripped away that right.
“In the middle of the night, Annastacia Palaszczuk and her Labor Government made a back room deal to unwind our democracy and turned their back on 25 years of reform that was borne out of the corruption busting Fitzgerald Inquiry,” he said.
“Now Queenslanders will be forced to vote for candidates and parties they may not want to vote for, and if they don’t, their vote won’t be counted at all.
“Residents in my electorate of Moggill have told me they want to be able to choose how they vote and how they allocate preferences, if at all,” said Dr Rowan.
“We weren’t told about Annastacia Palaszczuk’s sneaky plan. The Premier broke our trust, and now it’s time for us to have a say.”
Dr Rowan said because the Palaszczuk Labor Government didn’t consult and the legislation was rammed through the Parliament in the dark of night, Queenslanders never got a chance to have their voices heard.
“This petition gives Queenslanders and my constituents in the electorate of Moggill their voice back,” he said.
“We need to tell Annastacia Palaszczuk and her Labor Government to honour their election commitments, scrap their sneaky plan and bring back choice at the ballot box.
“Every Queenslander deserves to be heard and now they can tell the Premier that ‘My Voice Matters’.”
Sign the petition and tell Premier Palaszczuk ‘My Voice Matters’ at: www.myvoicematters.org.au
- Key Facts:
A ReachTel/Seven News poll of 1281 people found just 27.3 per cent of Queenslanders supported the change from optional preferential voting to compulsory preferential voting. - A whopping 61.6 per cent opposed it.
- The Palaszczuk Labor Government pushed through this major voting reform with zero consultation and with just 18 minutes notice.
- The adoption of optional preferential voting was recommended by a
Fitzgerald Inquiry body, the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission (EARC). - Optional preferential voting is used in Queensland and NSW state
elections as well as local government elections.