State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, praised the Liberal National Party’s leadership team for listening to the needs of local residents, following their visit to the electorate of Moggill on Thursday.
“It was a great opportunity having the Leader and Deputy Leader of the LNP in the electorate of Moggill to hear firsthand the issues that are of significance to local residents,” he said.
Dr Rowan said that local residents most commonly raised the issues of cost of living, traffic congestion, job creation, support for small business, health services and school infrastructure.
“Having both the LNP Leader and Shadow Treasurer see and hear from local residents what is needed as a priority, especially with respect to significant traffic congestion on Moggill Road, was very important.
“Leading into the next Labor State Government budget, I will again be pushing for an allocation of sufficient funds to alleviate traffic congestion,” Dr Rowan said.
Also part of the discussion was Labor’s pre-election tax grab.
Liberal National Party Leader Deb Frecklington is promising to fight Labor’s half-a-billion tax grab across Queensland from now to the State Budget.
Labor unveiled four new taxes just two days before the election and employers fear higher payroll taxes and mining royalties are also in the pipeline, as well as a new waste levy.
“Labor are like vampires when it comes to tax – they can’t resist sucking the lifeblood out of the economy,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Their new taxes will snare $500m but it seems that’s not enough for Labor.
“Employers need a cast-iron guarantee they won’t be whacked again, but the Premier and Treasurer won’t give them one.
“I’ll fight them across Queensland and all the way to the next election to protect jobs and struggling families.”
“These tax hikes will hit small businesses which rent premises from large landlords, as well as the construction and racing industries and car dealerships,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Labor’s taxes will destroy jobs and hurt working families.
“Queensland now has the highest unemployment rate in Australia at 6.1 per cent.
“You can’t tax your way to growth, it’s as simple as that. When will Labor learn?”