Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, recently hosted his annual celebratory dinner at the Queensland Parliament to acknowledge and thank the outgoing School Captains and Vice Captains of Kenmore State High School, for the 2021 school year.
Dr Rowan said that after a year of incredible achievement both academically and more broadly throughout the community, the dinner was an important opportunity to acknowledge the student leadership and service of Kenmore State High School’s Captains and Vice Captains.
“It was a pleasure to welcome to the Queensland Parliament School Principal Paul Robertson and recognise the leadership of School Captains Holly Atherton and Sam Atherton, and Vice Captains Alyvia Duyzer and Nathan Parry.
“2021 has been another hallmark year for Kenmore State High School, and the success of the school and student cohort is a genuine credit to the dedication and service of its senior school leaders, teaching staff, and students.” Dr Rowan said.
Mr Paul Robertson, Principal of Kenmore State High School, paid tribute to the many achievements that have been made throughout the year by the student leadership team.
“I’m extremely proud of our student leaders who have coordinated many student participation activities and led values-based parades and causes that have inspired and challenged their fellow students.
“It was special and also fitting that they were able to finish their leadership term celebrated with a dinner with Dr Rowan who was a member of their selection panel. I want to thank him for his ongoing support of our great school.” Mr Robertson said.