The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise vegetation removal works will be undertaken on TMR land behind Westaway Crescent in Bellbowrie.
These works are being undertaken as the vegetation is posing a potential safety hazard to nearby private properties.
• Works are scheduled to start in mid-August 2020 and are expected to take one
week to complete, weather and site conditions permitting.
• Standard construction hours will be from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday,
however, some out of hours works may be required.
Works will involve:
• removal of general vegetation undergrowth and rubbish.
• removal of two dead trees (unknown eucalyptus species).
The dead trees have been identified to have active or potentially active habitat
hollows. Therefore, the trees will be cut to a suitable level to allow for existing habitat
hollows to remain. A fauna spotter will be on site.
Expected impacts:
• Nearby residents and businesses may experience some temporary construction
noise from mulching, dust and odour while works are completed.
• Detours, traffic control and signage will be in place as required.
For further information, please contact:
3347 5233 (business hours) or
0417 198 096 (during construction)