The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise vegetation removal works will be undertaken on TMR land behind Market Street South in Indooroopilly.
These works are being undertaken as the vegetation is posing a potential safety hazard to nearby private properties, and the location has been added to TMR’s Fire Risk Management Program.
• Works are scheduled to start in late August 2020 and are expected to be complete by early October 2020, weather and site conditions permitting.
• Standard construction hours will be from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, however some out of hours works may be required.
Works will involve:
• removal of vegetation undergrowth and debris
• removal of approximately 15 trees
• removal of giant cane bamboo, grass species and prickly pear.
Trees to be removed include weed species Glossy Privet, Chinese Elms, Umbrella Trees, Honey Locust, as well as approximately four gum trees.
Expected impacts:
• Nearby residents may experience short term impacts, including increased noise and dust due to equipment and activities on site.
For more information please contact:
3347 5233 (business hours) or
0412 232 418 (during construction)