The Premier must explain why kids are being left stranded at bus stops.
It is alarming to see a jump in the number of Queensland children being left stranded at bus stops.
A Parliamentary Question on Notice has exposed the shocking statistics, showing Labor has failed in its responsibility to protect Queensland children travelling on public transport.
The number of children being left behind at bus stops has spiked by an alarming 700 per cent.
How can parents trust that their children will arrive home safely under a transport system operated by this Labor Government?
Translink have a policy to keep our children safe, but this is not being enforced by Labor’s Transport Minister.
It’s simply unacceptable that Queensland kids are being left stranded at bus stops because this policy is being ignored.
Every parent deserves to know that their child is travelling on a bus system that gets them to and from school safely.
Annastacia Palaszczuk and Jackie Trad must explain to Queensland parents why bus safety policies aren’t being enforced and make sure every child arrives to school and returns home safely.