Thanks for 27 Years of Bliss!

After 27 years of serving local residents at their beloved Café Bliss, Jamie and Merle Stewart were formally celebrated as they announced their retirement.   The local State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, paid tribute to the pair for their almost three decades of dedication and service to the local community.   “As…

Statement: Productivity Commission ‘Review of the National School Reform Agreement’

Following the release of the Productivity Commission’s ‘Review of the National School Reform Agreement,’ the Palaszczuk State Labor Government must acknowledge that they have lost control of education in Queensland. Labor must release a comprehensive strategy to lift educational outcomes and improve school attendance rates.   While the report suggests plateauing student performance across the nation,…

Back To School for 2023

Queensland students will return to school this week and I would like to take this opportunity to wish students, families, teachers and staff all the best for 2023.   I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our ‘Preppies’ for the start of their school journey.   The last few years have been…