After 27 years of serving local residents at their beloved Café Bliss, Jamie and Merle Stewart were formally celebrated as they announced their retirement.
The local State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, paid tribute to the pair for their almost three decades of dedication and service to the local community.
“As Jamie and Merle Stewart said goodbye to enjoy a very well-earned retirement, it was a pleasure to stop by Café Bliss for one last coffee, and present both Jamie and Merle with special Moggill Electorate Community Awards.
“On behalf of our community, I want to thank Jamie and Merle for being such strong supporters of our local economy, and for their much-loved presence at the local Kenmore Village Shopping Centre.” Dr Rowan said.
When asked about his impending retirement from the local café scene, Jamie Stewart said he was looking forward to spending more time with his family the most.
“It’s been a good 27 years but now we’re going to enjoy our retirement. All the kids live down the coast so we’re going to take out the caravan, do some fishing, and even hop on the bike.
“While we might be retiring, our customers won’t see much of a difference, with the same name (Café Bliss) and same great coffee, food, and service being provided under the new owners.” Mr Stewart said.
Centre Manager for both the Kenmore Village Shopping Centre and Kenmore Plaza, Lisa Jarrold, also took the opportunity to thank Jamie and Merle on behalf of all Kenmore Village tenants and local shoppers.
“Jamie and Merle have been passionate about providing good wholesome food and service to their customers over the past 27 years. We thank them for their devotion and hard work and wish them all the very best for an enjoyable retirement spending time with their family and friends. They will be missed!” Ms Jarrold said.
Café Bliss is now under the new ownership of fellow café operator, Mr Ketan Petal, owner of the Olive Grove Café at the nearby Kenmore Plaza.