Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, said today that
the Palaszczuk Government’s true colours were shown as Labor rorted the
Parliamentary system and trashed the Fitzgerald reforms in the process.
“Late at night, on the last sitting day of the Parliamentary week, the Palaszczuk Government re-introduced compulsory preferential voting to Queenslanders without any community consultation”, Dr Rowan said. The
Palaszczuk Labor Government has pushed through radical changes to Queensland’s voting system without consulting a single Queenslander.
“Sneaking significant voting changes through the Parliament
with only 18 minutes notice flies in the face of Premier Annastacia
Palaszczuk’s promise to lead a government of consultation and consensus,” Dr
Rowan said. “What we have seen in the Parliament is a trashing of Tony
Fitzgerald’s landmark integrity reforms by removing voters’ choice at the
ballot box.”
“A key part of the Fitzgerald reforms that transformed Queensland was the implementation of optional preferential voting, which gives voters a choice if they want to preference and how many preferences they want to give” Dr Rowan said.
“Queenslanders will no longer be able to just vote 1 for the
candidate of their choice if they wish.” Dr Rowan said. The Palaszczuk
Labor Government has robbed Queenslanders of this right in a piece of political
trickery at the end of a Parliamentary sitting week.
“These changes were forced through by Premier Palaszczuk
with zero consultation,” he said. Queenslanders deserve to have their say
on a major shift in how democracy is conducted in this state.
It is indeed a sad day when a government springs this on the
Parliament without warning, giving the Opposition only 18 minutes to scrutinise
the changes and stand up for voters’ rights.
“The LNP will continue to fight to ensure voters are empowered at the ballot box.” Dr Rowan said.
Key facts:
The Landmark Fitzgerald inquiry recommended
Queensland adopt optional preferential voting.
The Palaszczuk Labor Government has pushed
through major voting reform with zero consultation.